'; else if (strstr($browser,"MOZILLA")) return ''; else return ""; } $BrowserNameGet = getBrowserName(); if ($BrowserNameGet != "") { echo $BrowserNameGet; } ?> ช่วยเหลือ

Exporting questions from a Category

This function allows you to export a complete category of questions to a text file.

Please note that in many file formats some information is lost when the questions are exported. This is because many formats do not possess all the features that exist in Moodle questions. You should not expect to export and import questions and for them to be identical. Also some question types may not export at all. You are advised to check exported data before using it in a production environment.

The format(s) currently supported are:

GIFT format

More formats are yet to come, including WebCT, IMS QTI and whatever else Moodle users can contribute!

Show this help in language: English

ฝ่ายนวัตกรรมและสื่อ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏร้อยเอ็ด
ชั้น 1 อาคารอาคารเฉลิมพระเกียรติ 50 พรรษา
113 ม.12 ถ.ร้อยเอ็ด-โพนทอง ต.เกาะแก้ว อ.เสลภูมิ จ.ร้อยเอ็ด 45120 โทร. 043-556001-8 โทรสาร. 043-556009

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